
Kitchen Help

   Dishes maybe, anything to be useful,
   peel potatoes, I'll be the one you use to
   make it easy, stand here and stir the soup pot,
            that and the odd job.

   Some prefer to shop — they would rather choose meat,
   spices, sauces, vegetables, pick the right wine.
   Others wait to show up until it's served up.
            Each has a purpose.

   Me, you'll find content busy in your kitchen,
   especially when it's hectic as hell's inferno —
   helping you create, then the tasks of cleanup.
            That's what I'm here for.

1 Response to “Kitchen Help”

  1. 2010.05.04 at 9:41 pm

    Since I love to cook but hate the cleanup part…your are cordially invited to dinner.:-) Enjoyed your post.

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